Monday, 8 August 2016

Financial Basics 13 - Tracking your Financial Performance

When you decide that you want to track how something is performing, usually this is done by measuring something actual and comparing against a target. An Athlete's performance is measured by such things as time, distance, height or score. But what do they measure against? In their competitions they are trying to get the fastest time, longest distance, lowest or highest score depending on the sport. In training and warm-up competitions they may be measuring their performance against something else. They may have a target time they want to achieve, or maybe they just want to continually improve over their personal best time.

So when you want to measure your performance your need to:
  • Decide on what you are measuring.
  • Decide on what targets or progression are considered success.
The simplest form in term of finances is to measure your Net Worth and compare it to a target amount that you want to achieve. 

Net Worth Tracking Spreadsheet

Net Worth Tracking v1p0

This spreadsheet is designed to help you keep track of your Net Worth, those you designate as Retirement Assets and compare your assets to forecasts created from the Retirement Forecast spreadsheet.

You can download the blank spreadsheet here. If you want one with some example data already filled in, download that here